Today we are with Michael Braude for the monthly economic forecast.
We get an update on what has been happening in the market, what he has noticed and what he thinks may be on the way for the future.
Michaels insight and updates help us to understand the market and where it is going after these changes.
On the episode:
- Michael talks about the US and Chinese trade war that is currently happening.
- He talks about how far the trade war can impact around the FX rates.
- He talks about the commodities and how the trade war may affect the AUD.
- Michael talks about how the bond rates have fallen by quite a large amount in the last 4-5 weeks.
- We talk about the weakening in a number of commodities including some in the agricultural industry.
- Michael mentions that the overall position of the commodities is not looking positive.
- I ask Michael for his tips on what the thinks treasurers should be looking out for in the coming weeks.
- He makes advice for those with debt and those who are exporting.
- We talk about the record trade surplus and Australian position.
- Michael mentions that people need to still look at their investments and do not invest or trade too far up the curve and to not take too many risks.