I recently had the opportunity to chat with Simon Milne who is the treasury advisor at ISPT.
Simon has had a career full of treasury positions and he has gained a wealth of knowledge in the industry.
Simon gives us an insight into his role and his thoughts on treasury moving forward.
On the Episode:
- I ask Simon about his career and getting into treasury.
- Simon talks about his role at ISPT.
- I ask Simon what drew him into treasury.
- I ask Simon about the business and the position that Simon is in presently.
- Simon talks about the major challenges that he faces in his role.
- I ask Simon what the major achievements in his career have been.
- I ask Simon what are some of the biggest changes that he has seen in the department throughout his career.
- Simon talks about the major challenges he sees in the future for the treasury department.
- I ask Simon what he thinks makes a successful treasurer in the eyes of the CFO.
- I ask Simon what advice he would give to the younger generation of treasurers.
- I ask Simon what he looks for when he is hiring for a team.
- Simon gives some advice for those looking into the different markets within the industry.