Shannon Nash – CFO Perspective | Episode 37

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Today on the podcast I am speaking with Shannon Nash.

Shannon is the CFO of Inside Source.

We talk about all things Treasury and how Shannon thinks that the treasury role will change in the future with the introduction of technology and different systems.

On the Episode:

  • I ask Shannon what she looks for when she is hiring a new employee for her team.
  • Shannon talks about the importance of employees being a team player and not just their own role.
  • I ask Shannon how she looks at an employee in a treasury based role and whether she looks for a different skill set than someone in a different financial role.
  • We talk about the treasury components within the business that Shannon is a part of and how it is viewed within the business. 
  • I ask Shannon what she thinks makes a successful Treasurer in the eyes of the CFO.
  • We talk about the role of a Treasurer in the future and how it may change based on the use of more technology and automation. 
  • Shannon talks about how she thinks the Treasury role will need to be more aware of the rest of the business and how they impact the business with what they do. 
  • Shannon talks about the importance of employees starting to learn about technology and having an understanding of how it will be used within a business in the future.

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